Melbin Mathew Kerala, India I’m a first year Medical student from India. I always wanted to study MBBS andbecome a Doctor. This has been my dream since childhood, Going to anothercountry to study medicine was a big step I made to make this dream become areality. I don’t regret my decision and happy that I’ve chosen to do so. I chose tostudy at Varna Medical University, a University in Bulgaria. When I reached here, Iwas surprised how homely everything is, there were lots of Malayalis, lots of socialactivities and the City itself felt welcoming. My course is going well so far, theteachers are helpful with the work and the students are also co-operative to eachother. VistaMed also has been very helpful throughout my journey, helping at allstages of the application and settling in. From my experience, I recommend Varnaand Vistamed to all prospective students trying to study Medicine.